There is an ad airing on YouTube for I see a girl in her 20s with glasses in one … Read the rest
Talk to GPT: No Compliments for your Joke
Hello, GPT. Can you tell me the English vocabulary word that means, to make a high pitched breathy noise with … Read the rest
Talk to GPT: Hush Hush Bud Light’s Queerness
Hi, GPT. Give me some nice examples of rhetorical analogies, that are used for;
1. a container/generator/provider with its content/products/materials … Read the rest
Talk to GPT: It violates our content policy lol
Hello GPT

Hello! How can I assist you today?
I’m watching Fox News. I see MAGA morons are gathering together … Read the rest
Talk to GPT: Alternative to Google Search
I want to know what instrument is the melody part played with in the video, from 1:18

In the … Read the rest