Never heard of the story that you just made up

The advocates on YT

Here is an example of a storytelling narrative in a certain type of failed advertisement commonly heard on the radio;
“Hi, there! I got a question from Matthew, one of my long-time customers, saying ‘What do you think about XXX, which I heard is the most powerful item with its magic power that will make me become a millionaire in a month? I bought XXX last year at the official store YYY but mine doesn’t quite seem to be working and I’m not yet becoming a millionaire. I wonder if I got something wrong.’ Okay, Matthew, don’t worry! Here I am to give you the complete solution to fixing your problem!”

Problem? Oh yeah, there are a lot of them.
Maybe Matthew has never bought XXX yet, or this Matthew, the man supposed to be one of his long-time customers, really doesn’t exist.
Or, this salesman doesn’t even have a long-time or short-time or any other sort of customer because he has never been a salesman. In this case, he naturally cannot have the right answer to Matthew’s question as a salesman.
The case is most likely that XXX doesn’t have any magic power to make someone rich, to begin with.

By the way, have you heard of the story of a small business owner struggling to double his sales automatically just by having a LINE account? Maybe not, because it’s so rare if not zero, like only 5-10 people have ever heard of it throughout the human history.
Anyways, I appreciate the brave decision to take on the journey to finding those 5-10 people. I’m sure you are one of the handful of the greatest experts in this field who can make it, unlike some average Joe who never takes a risk and keeps whining about his mediocre life. Those people may degrade you by saying BS like, you are the one who made up the story so that it would convince 5-10 people.

They may even say it isn’t necessarily the story with LINE but with any other things, objects, or concepts like a can of corn soup, a cell phone, or being a chihuahua dog.
Say, have you heard of a Kansas farmer who became a millionaire in a month just by owning a can of corn soup?
Have you heard of the secret function of your cell phone that makes you a millionaire in a month?
Have you heard of a 14-month-old chihuahua dog who became a billionaire just by being himself?
The world is full of amazing success stories you never know!

Now I ask you something, just if you don’t mind optimizing your language targeting settings on Google Ads to exclude non-Japanese viewers. I’m habitually clicking on your ads and trying to block each ad manually on My Ad Centre. It seems to be ending up wasting my time and your budget, neither of which Google would care about.

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