Reporting Annoying YouTube ads to Google #02

I’m reporting the annoying Japanese ads for that repeatedly shows up on YouTube. The ad is linked to

Report a legal removal issue

If you believe you have located a specific piece of content that is unlawful in your country, you may use this form to submit a complaint.

Please identify the exact URLs of the content in question, and explain in detail why you believe this content is unlawful. Your request will be evaluated considering our policies governing content removal, and we will review and take action as appropriate.

Please note that completing and submitting this form does not guarantee that any action will be taken on your request.

Legal removal requests are subject to automated processing. For more information, see the Legal Help Center.

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Lumen Information
Some of the information in your request may be sent to Lumen, an independent research project studying online content takedown requests. For more information about Lumen, see here.

Google generally doesn’t share with Lumen any personal data contained in this form, including the name of the individual who made the request. As an exception, Google will share personal data with Lumen in circumstances in which there is an overriding public interest in sharing this information following a case-by-case assessment, in which case we will notify you about the sharing. For more information about when and what data we share with Lumen and why, see here.

Your information

Country of residence *


Full legal name *

Yoshihiro Kumamoto

Your own name, even if you are making the request on behalf of someone else who you are authorised to represent. If you are representing someone else, you must have the legal authority to act on their behalf.

Company name


If applicable.

Name of the company or organisation whose legal rights you represent


If applicable. For instance, if you are the legal agent.</span

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Allegedly infringing content

Allegedly infringing URLs *

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If you have many URLs to report, we recommend submitting between 10 to 100 per notice for the fastest possible processing time. You can submit multiple URLs by clicking the ‘Add additional’ link below.

Screenshot of the ad (optional)
No file chosen

Explain in detail why you believe that the content on the above URL(s) is unlawful, citing specific provisions of law wherever possible. For requests other than defamation, Google shares the information in this open text field with Lumen for transparency purposes. Do not include any personal data in your explanation. For more information about Lumen, see here. *

It has no mention of the seller's name, phone number, and physical address which are mandated to declare on the website by the law 特定商取法.
Even though their shipping terms sounds rediculous when it uses such words like "海外へのお届けは取り扱いしておりません" that strongly indicates the seller is geographically located in Japan.
Technichally, they can claim it's not a domestic business and is exempt from the Japanese law 特定商取法. In that case, you may and can support their claim and stay involved in their scheme by geo-targeting Japanese consumers for the ad that links to the website composed entirely in the Japanese language. However, I hope this is not the case and it will be removed from your platform soon. Also, I hope your geo-targeting feature will be partially removed for those who are selectively and exclusively functioning regardless of the language settings.

In order to ensure specificity, please quote the exact text from each URL above that you believe infringes on your rights. If the allegedly infringing content is a picture or video, please provide a detailed description of the picture/video in question so that we may locate it on the URL in question. *

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am authorised to report this alleged violation.*

Please tick to confirm

Please note that we will not process your complaint if it isn’t properly filled in or if the complaint is incomplete. If multiple Google products are affected, please submit a notice for each product affected.


Signature *

Yoshihiro Kumamoto

By typing your full name below, you are providing us with your digital signature, which is as legally binding as your physical signature. Your signature must exactly match the first and surnames that you entered at the top of this form, in order for your submission to be successful.

Signed on this date of Tue, 19 Sep 2023

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