There are evil badge-hunters who exploit every possible unfair methods to win championships in SAS4.
Here I show a portion of that reality, show what they actually do.
But I actually NEVER suggest these methods.
Because you won’t be happy to win a diamond with these methods.
Winning a diamond in championship is pretty easy.
As for a gold badge, it’s far easier.
In the following there’s nothing officially forbidden, nothing to be ashamed of for all SAS4 players.
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Surely they can do all things
7500pt of vs, 8000pt of apocs only in 5hours
Through Cheats which gives them strength
But always they wonder what it can do through them
No great success to show
No glory on their own
Yet in their weakness It is there to let us know
Cheating power is strong while they actually have no power
It will carry them when they cant carry on
Raised in its evil power, the weak become strong
their cheating is perfect, their Exploitation is perfect
We can only know The power that the Methods hold
When we truly see how deep their weakness goes
Their cheating in SAS4 begins
Where their comes to an end
We hear their humble cry and proves again
Its strength is perfect when their strength is gone
It’ll carry them when they can’t carry on
Raised in its power, the weak become strong
their cheating is perfect, His strength is perfect